Sunday, August 30, 2015


To be Transformed means many things to different people. To some it means a complete change in form, shape, attitude or direction. To others it means an overhaul of a system or a paradigm shift. Whatever your definition of transformed, it is important to look at the root meaning of the word so that we may dig deeper to the not too familiar understanding of transformation. The Greek word metamorphoo (metamorphosis) means to transform, to change, or transfigure. 
            From our elementary science classes, we learned that a process called metamorphosis occurs before a butterfly comes to life. The adult butterfly will first lay the eggs, after the incubation period, the eggs are hatched into a larva called caterpillar. The caterpillar then feeds on leaves as much as possible until it reached a stage and change in form into a pupa where it ruminates and stationed in a place inside a cocoon for a period of time before it finally breaks away from the cocoon and a new, colorful and vibrant butterfly emerges.
            If we are literally going to adapt the metamorphosis cycle to explain what it means to be transformed, it will mean that we pass from one stage to another until we finally emerge as a complete people that we are design by default to be.
            Romans 12:2 says that, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (NKJV). The verse before us says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Suffice to say that the mind is the center or the arbiter of the transformed. Therefore, to be transformed means to make the mind new. Making the mind new is then seen in every aspect of our lives from sunup to dusk.
            The question that might be going on within our minds could be how can the mind be made new or renewed? Now, Proverbs 23:7 helps us understand that, as a person thinks so is he or she. It means that a transformed person is a product of what he or she thinks. The chameleon is a typical example of how our thought functions because whatever the chameleon focuses on it changes the color of its appearance to that object of it’s focus. So also is everyone of us because we are all objects of our thoughts whether we directly or indirectly focus our thinking in line with reality.
Another question might be, what do I think about to be transformed? Philippians 4:8 has the answer. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things” (NIV).
To be transformed means that we think about— focus our thought line like the chameleon which focuses on a particular object until it assumes the color of the object’s appearance— whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. As we think about these things in increasing measure, we are been transformed because our minds are renewed to the objects that we feed our minds on on a daily basis.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I have heard so many people say, “If you put your mind to it you will do it”, while others say, “You cannot underestimate the power of the mind because you are who you think in your mind”. Does it sound familiar with you? Well, if you are like me then it is very familiar. I as a person like doing things my own way and most of the time I do such things because I set my mind on them to achieve my desire.
Every human being was design with a dynamic power and capacity called the mind. The world has gone through series of changes because of the mind. Great inventions like electricity, light, aeroplane, ship, just to mention a few all came through the power of great minds. Suffice to say that the world is where it is today because the human mind has taken it to this very level. Isn’t that great?
As great as the mind may be it still has to be controlled, discipline, and engaged in productive ventures before it can yield great results. These results however can be positive or negative. Through the power of the mind, someone beliefs that Siamese twins can be separated and such a person engaged the mind and achieved the goal while another person engages the mind to kill millions of people.
The difference between these minds is the things they feed on. There are so many things that are contending for the mind and what one allows in will be developed and come out in great proportion. Just like the computer where “garbage in garbage out”, the mind functions the same. If you feed the right stuff you will produce the right stuff and if you feed the wrong stuff you will produce the wrong stuff.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Flying Mind

There is a law that governs everything on the face of the earth. For example, the law of gravity pulls every object downward to the surface of the earth while the law of aerodynamics allows the same object to negate the law of gravity and go up into the sky. The law of gravity allows metals to sink under water while Archimedes principle negates gravity and allows objects to float on water. For humans, there is a time for sowing and also a time for reaping. It seems then that everything in this life has a principle or a law that governs it.
The mind also has laws or principles that govern how it functions. No wonder it was said that poverty is the thing of the mind than the disposition of a person. When the mind uses the right principles, the whole being of a person is transformed but when the mind uses the wrong principles the whole being of the person is also transformed but negatively.
But when God created human beings and put in them a mind, he empowered the mind to function effectively so that through the mind, man can turn the natural things around them into things that will advance them. Through the mind, we can do more than what people think or assess us. With the mind, we can travel all round the world and be victorious. With the same mind, we can stay put in one place and do nothing about our situation ending up being a burden to people than a solution to people.
Everything depends on the mind. I can tell myself that I will go beyond the sky with my mind and then it becomes possible because we have seen humans gone to the moon and come back. But going beyond the sky is not just a literal sky but the skies that are all around us. The sky that seemed impossible to penetrate into a glorious destiny; the sky of wealth and riches, as well as the sky of living a godly Christian life in the presence of difficult moments. All these are possible through the mind. When the mind believes that these challenges are surmountable then it becomes a reality.
But I have seen myself beyond the sky. I see a new me emerge and every shackles that seemed to imprison me in the past are gone. From my life as a lay man, to that as a business man, and finally as a pastor, I see a new me standing strong to conquer the world. Nothing is going to stop me from achieving my purpose in life except me. Nobody will or can stop me from achieving successes.
Today I resolve not to look to people or see them as the cause of my failure in life. Today I resolve to hold myself accountable to live to fulfill that dream that GRACE will change the world. I believe that both Christians and non Christians will know the LOVE of God through GRACE and this I will continue to do until I win the world.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Work The Ants Way

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!It has no commander,no overseer or ruler,yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest (Prov 6:6-8).

One of the most intriguing examples that I found fascinating in the scripture is the lesson about the ant. This is because the ant seems very insignificant in my daily life as a person and so what really do I have to do with it. If you are a city folk, I bet you better go and find out more about ants but if you are a country folk like me then you just need to do a little of reflection and all the pieces will settle into your mind as the life cycle of ants comes to mind.

While growing up in the village, I see ants in their troops always marching in lines doing one thing or the other. You either see them carrying different food stuff or filing in lines going to get something. As a child I was always curious about ants, and sometimes in my mind I asked who is really leading or guiding ants filing out in search for food or shelter. However, as I grew older, I realized that God spoke about the ants in the Bible and says that I should go and consider her ways.

Reflecting now I realize that the ants are always busy but not aimlessly. They are busy towards a goal and the goal is to gather all the food they needed so that in trouble times they don’t have to panic or get frustrated thinking ‘what shall we eat or drink’. It means then that life is purposeful and except I find my purpose I will not live life. Suffice to say that life and purpose are inseparable. One cannot do without the other because that is how they are by default.

Talk of Team work, dedication, commitment and hard work? Go to the ants. You can never see ants lazy or idle about doing nothing. Their work ethic is  socially engaging and highly commendable. There are several lessons to learn from and apply in your work ethic.
  1. Personal Responsibility: Every ant takes personal responsibility for the colony. That is why ants don't go about aimlessly. You can achieve personal responsibility when you believe that without your contribution things will not function well.
  2. Social Integration: Ants are social beings and share a common sense of connectedness with each other.
  3. Team Work: Team Work makes the work of the ants go on smoothly and as such targets are achieved within specified time. If every one in an organization work well to achieve the team's target, great work will be done and time gained leading to more productivity.
  4. Profit Oriented: Maximizing profit is the DNA of the ants. They know when to go out and search for new opportunities and capitalize on emerging prospects.
  5. Great Diversity: Each ant is unique and diverse. Every talent is celebrated and giving the opportunity to showcase itself. As much as ants work in teams, each one carries out a specific instruction based upon it's abilities.
  6. Collective Well being and Welfare: Ants seek for their well being by working hard. They always care for each other's needs and are mindful of their welfare. A good organization is one which cares for every member of staff and their welfare is not taken for granted.
Work The Ants Way and lift yourself to a successful career and a life that brings you the kind of happiness that you so desire.

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Joy of Crying


Do you know that crying brings about healing and is medicinal? Wow! That is amazing isn't it. When we cry we desire so many things to come our way. When the cause of our cry is pains, we desire relief, if it is injury we desire healing, if it is failure we desire success, if it is frustration we desire calmness. But one of the major reasons we cry is because we acknowledge our helplessness and desire comfort that most times cannot come from fellow human beings. We seek comfort from God and need Him to fill the void in our hearts. 
           Lizette Borreli's article titled, "Cry It Out: 6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Shedding A Few Tears" observes that crying:
1. Releases Toxins: Crying does not only mentally cleanse us, it can cleanse our body too.
2. Kills Bacteria: A good cry can also be a good way to kill bacteria.
3. Improves Vision: Tears, made by the lacrimal gland, can actually clear up our vision by lubricating the eyeballs and eyelids.
4. Improves Mood: Tears can elevate our mood better than any antidepressant available.
5. Relieves Stress: A good cry can provide a feeling of relief, even if our circumstances still remain the same. Crying is known to release stress hormones or toxins from the body, and as a result, reduces tension.
6. Boosts Communication: Crying can show what words cannot express, especially in a relationship.
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Lessons from Psalm 130

Why should you Cry to the Lord?
Because in yourself you are helpless and insecure but more importantly God is your Father and you need Him to protect, provide, defend, and shield you always.

Does God keep account of your wrongs?
No, He has forgiveness ready for you to receive.
What you should do while you wait on the Lord.
You should hope in the Word of God

Why should you hope in the Word?
Because you will receive His unfailing love
Because you will receive full redemption 

          It is not a shameful thing to cry to God because He is your Father and understands everything you are going through. Trust Him with every bit of your life not only the honorable sides but even with your troubles and He will lift you up.