Friday, October 23, 2015



The best way to personal growth and development is looking deep into ourselves. When you do that, you draw an enormous energy to drive your engine until all the pieces of your inner being crystallizes and a fresh and vibrant you emerge. Reflection will take you from your present reality into a modest reality where you can breathe and gain back the strength that you need for every day challenges.
From the life of Jesus we can attest that He was a reflective person because early in the morning, before the dawn, His lifestyle was to withdraw to a lonely place.


Here are a few moments that will help you to reflect well:
  • Early in the Morning: The advantage it presents is that at this time many people will still be asleep and the whole world will be silent and ready to listen to your thoughts and accept them. If you leverage on it you will gain a lot of strength and energy to pursue your day effectively. More so, you just had a number of hours resting and your whole being is alive and ready to be directed positively.
  • Quiet Place: Having a quiet place is important because you avoid distractions from family, friends, colleagues and other people. It positions you to receive because you are deliberate about it.
  • Natural Environment: No matter how down I feel as a person, I find a lot of connection with natural environments that fires me up. You may go on a hike, walk by the beach, relax in a garden or just find a place that you feel at home with. This will greatly boost you motivation level and help you derive the passion to face what comes your way.
  • After a Nap: A nap is a short break used to relax your nerves, reboot your entire being and get you refreshed. One of the advantages of having a nap is that you can face your day with a renewed strength.  


Everyday, people are becoming busier but stressed up. The level of their efficiency dwindles as the days go by and lost of interest has become the order of the day. If only you take a little time out and reflects, a lot more will increase in your life than decrease.

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