I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Confucius
So how do we draw our future in pictures to take control of our lives? Jesus said to Nicodemus in their conversation in John chapter three from verse one to five that if you cannot see the kingdom of God you cannot enter the kingdom of God.
...unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God ...unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. [emphasis added]
What you see is what you will go after. If you see yourself as one going to achieve a great result and planned towards it with a good mental picture sketched down, I believe you will get there.
I first learn about Mind Mapping from my writing mentor at Author Audience Academy, even though I have used the principles in the past, what I learn is so enriching. Her name is Shelley Hitz, and her advice stick such that I now have one of the many apps on Mind Mapping on my phone. The app helped me organize decisions to a logical conclusion and set datelines to achieve my goals. The experience was so exciting and the results were good. You can check for the apps on Google Store and download.
But what I want to share with you about using pictures to set plans for the future that you want to arrive at in life. These pictures will fire you up and help you to take good action steps that will yield results. Recently, I watched a talk on YouTube's one of the best TED TALKS of 2015 titled, "Draw Your Future- Take Control of Your Life", Patti Dobrowolski gave a powerful talk that consolidated the idea of picture mapping in my mind. You can watch it here.
Her advice is simple but very profound. You need a picture to set your mind on. When you see the picture and believe that you can achieve what you propose to achieve, and act on your plan it will come to pass in your life. To put it simple:
- SEE IT: You must draw a new picture of where you are going to in details.
- BELIEVE IT: You must believe that the picture is what you really want.
- ACT ON IT: You must act on it to Achieve the success you so desire.
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