Thursday, July 2, 2015


‘‘For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love’’ Galatians 5:6

How you were born or where you were born has nothing to do with where your life is heading to. Sometimes we feel that we are incapacitated because of our natural disposition in life, and we do not thrive well because we are not our true representatives. The reason for our lackluster lifestyle is because we think that we are inadequate.
In Christ however, we are not inadequate. We are complete and equal before Him no matter how one is highly or lowly placed or how and where and to whom we are born to. In Christ, all that counts is faith expressing itself through love. No background information is needed. Whether you were born outside wedlock or by a prostitute; whether your dad was a pastor or a drunkard; all these are immaterial. Sometimes we boast about how holy we are and tend to have a feeling of super righteousness than others; and sometimes we feel that God loves us better than the people who wrecked their lives before accepting Christ. No matter how genuine our reasons are, they amount to nothing in the real sense.
What makes Christianity a way of life which is unique and different from other world religions is that it is first of all personal, then communal, and it flows out in love to others whether they are Christians or not. This is the bedrock of Christianity and no Christian will live without receiving the love of God and giving it out to others.
Long time ago, there arose a serious problem that was tearing a Christian community apart. The problem started in a town called Galatia, which is a cosmopolitan society with variety of people. The main issue was about circumcision and uncircumcision. Since Galatia is a mix society, the Jewish Christians were holding on to circumcision as the ultimate and looking down on the uncircumcised Gentile Christians as inferiors. The whole issue is about the Jewish nationality instead of a Christian nation where everything is made new and fresh in Christ Jesus. What we see in this community is Christianity by tribal affiliation or in our context ‘‘Church’’ instead of living the practical life and example that Christ set for us to follow.
The life of a Christian is a life of expression. Our faith has something that cannot be suppressed. So, what “counts is faith expressing itself through love.” We have faith in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We look up to Him because we know that all we ever desire or need can be met only by Him. In relying totally on Him, we receive His nature of love and in living our lives daily, that nature that we received overshadows us and comes out to other people. That is why Paul told the Galatian community that “the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love”. If there is anything to boast about, it should be love, nothing more or less.
What is love then? Love is the best thing that we have and treasure most. To some, love is fame, name, and power; while to others, it is wealth, beauty, and ego. Love could also mean anger, pride, and manipulation (remember that whatsoever is best and treasured is love).
For Christians, love is a compound word with so much to offer. Love is forgiveness, acceptance, and submission. Love is bearing with one another, it is showing kindness and dispelling envy; love does not brag or pride in anything. It does not become rude to other people to please self nor does it keep record of people’s wrongs nor does it get offended easily.
Love is always truthful and has no room for evil. It is a shield that protects, it hopes in something good; it trusts and never gives up. It upholds and never let anyone down. When we focus on our faith which is expressed through love, we will be so consumed in it that nothing else will take our time and attention from the life and character of Christ to trivial things.
So, show me that you are a person of faith, show me love not your religious perfection. Love is all I need from you. Love is all I ever wanted. Love is what we all desire to experience in our daily lives.

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