Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Flying Mind

There is a law that governs everything on the face of the earth. For example, the law of gravity pulls every object downward to the surface of the earth while the law of aerodynamics allows the same object to negate the law of gravity and go up into the sky. The law of gravity allows metals to sink under water while Archimedes principle negates gravity and allows objects to float on water. For humans, there is a time for sowing and also a time for reaping. It seems then that everything in this life has a principle or a law that governs it.
The mind also has laws or principles that govern how it functions. No wonder it was said that poverty is the thing of the mind than the disposition of a person. When the mind uses the right principles, the whole being of a person is transformed but when the mind uses the wrong principles the whole being of the person is also transformed but negatively.
But when God created human beings and put in them a mind, he empowered the mind to function effectively so that through the mind, man can turn the natural things around them into things that will advance them. Through the mind, we can do more than what people think or assess us. With the mind, we can travel all round the world and be victorious. With the same mind, we can stay put in one place and do nothing about our situation ending up being a burden to people than a solution to people.
Everything depends on the mind. I can tell myself that I will go beyond the sky with my mind and then it becomes possible because we have seen humans gone to the moon and come back. But going beyond the sky is not just a literal sky but the skies that are all around us. The sky that seemed impossible to penetrate into a glorious destiny; the sky of wealth and riches, as well as the sky of living a godly Christian life in the presence of difficult moments. All these are possible through the mind. When the mind believes that these challenges are surmountable then it becomes a reality.
But I have seen myself beyond the sky. I see a new me emerge and every shackles that seemed to imprison me in the past are gone. From my life as a lay man, to that as a business man, and finally as a pastor, I see a new me standing strong to conquer the world. Nothing is going to stop me from achieving my purpose in life except me. Nobody will or can stop me from achieving successes.
Today I resolve not to look to people or see them as the cause of my failure in life. Today I resolve to hold myself accountable to live to fulfill that dream that GRACE will change the world. I believe that both Christians and non Christians will know the LOVE of God through GRACE and this I will continue to do until I win the world.

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