Friday, July 3, 2015


‘‘Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’’ 1 Thessalonians 5:18
 A woman once told me that she can go all the way to do things for her younger son but she cannot see herself going the extra mile for her older son. She even said that her younger son has a way of getting things from her because he appreciates whatever is given to him.
Thank you is a word of appreciation that usually comes from the depth of the heart. It is a response to something done that is so unique and comes from a thoughtful heart. It is the acceptance of what is been done with joy and excitement and gratitude. Thank you is a way of recognizing the love that is been expressed and placing value on the love received.
We are to give thanks in every circumstance so that we do not complain to God or to someone else. Whether the circumstance is pleasant or unpleasant, all that matters is for us to find reasons to say thank you. It helps us accept whatsoever that comes our way in good faith without premonitions in our hearts. It helps us see more of God behind every event that comes our way than evil that comes from men or the devil.
The will of God for us is to say thank you in all circumstances. Why will this be the will of God? He wants us to be happy and appreciative. He wants us to recognize him in control of our daily lives so that only him will take the glory.
When we give thanks we enthrone God in the most important place in our heart and we recognize no other power or authority or being above Him.

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