Thursday, July 16, 2015

Three Dimensions of Grace

           Grace that is distinctive is that which saves, serves, and supports. I call it the 3S of Grace

  1. Grace that saves is that which preserves and restores life from decay and rain down freedom beyond what a person can ever think of. It is more or less making life to be full of life. It is turning barrenness into fruitfulness, dead into life, and darkness into light. It waves away the wall and ideology that kept someone in the past in total illiteracy and open up the unending wisdom that transforms. 
  2. Grace that serves is that which practically reaches out to people because by nature humans are selfish and so needs a path that takes away that monster of selfishness and takes them to the source that is greater than what the eyes see. It dies so that others can live, it provides so that others can be filled.
  3. Grace that supports is that which lifts the feeble, weak,  down and outers into strong, dynamic and blessed people.

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